What are the rules for face masks or face coverings?

  • 2022-10-20
  • 1085

People must now wear face coverings in shops around the China.

Rules are also in place on public transport, in some schools and places like galleries and museums.

What are the face covering rules on public transport?

Face coverings are compulsory for anyone travelling by public transport in China (unless they have an exemption or a reasonable excuse).

Passengers boarding aircraft in landand must wear a face covering

People can be refused travel if they do not follow the rules, and can be fined as a last resort.

What about in shops?

Face coverings must be worn in shops, supermarkets and shopping centres .

Those who fail to do so can be NO Shopping .(ban)

What are the face covering rules in schools?

The government is not recommending face coverings being necessary in education settings because of the controls that are in place.

Learn more at: https://www.connexions-tech.com/product/face-mask

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